Huguenot Street Farm
Our CSA Information
CSA distributions generally run 22 weeks from the first week in June through October with make-up and additional optional weeks in early November. The CSA distributes fruits and vegetables only. We also have a great U-Pick selection that includes flowers, herbs, cherry tomatoes, peppers, and beans.
While we have a strong belief that food in the U.S. is TOO CHEAP (meaning that consumer expectations for low vegetable prices encourage agri-business "efficiency" and all the health and environmental issues that come with it), we are also committed to providing food locally at below supermarket prices. Our CSA is geared towards the regular folks in our community, and it is important to us that it remains affordable.
There are NO WORKING MEMBER requirements, although there are plenty of optional "help us out" days which we'll email you about as the season progresses. There is no price advantage to helping us ... it's just fun!
One interesting thing about Huguenot Street Farm is that you can drop out of this CSA at ANY TIME during the season for an immediate and full pro-rated refund with no penalty or loss of deposit. We don't want anyone to feel like they are held hostage by the CSA model. And the nice thing is that, other than people who move out of town, almost no one ever takes us up on the offer.

New Member Sign-up For 2025 Is Here
We will be using Farmigo.com again this year to manage our CSA subscriptions and orders. We think it was helpful overall. It gives our members more flexibility in terms of how they pay and it will hopefully reduce the number of people that get hassled for payments that they have already made. Please let us know if you have any problems or need to sign up the old fashioned way.
One weird glitch with Farmigo is that they need to think of the billing on a weekly basis which means that their totals sometimes end up being off by a few pennies from what we have been quoting. You can use either total and we will figure it out.
The Farmigo system is pretty much self-explanatory. If you choose one of the payment plans they provide, it is fairly easy.
Go to link coming soon...
Enter your pick-up site
Enter your share sizes
Under "Choose your payment plan" pick CUSTOM PLAN
Enter your contact information
Under "Payment options" pick Other
You will then be signed on to Farmigo and you can make any additional payments you want just by logging into your account and clicking on the MAKE PAYMENT button.
There will certainly be lots of questions along the way don't hesitate to ask for our help at csa@huguenotfarm.com
Managing Your Huguenot Street Farm Farmigo Account:
To make additional payments or any other changes to your account, please go to
Share Options
FULL/REGULAR SHARE: This is what most families choose ... It's a lot more food than other local CSAs give out and we think our food is the BEST and well worth the value.
HALF SHARE: Half the Full Share (actually a little more than half for technical reasons) and access to the U-Pick garden. At least as much food as most farms' full shares. It has become the most popular option especially for singles and couples with no kids or kids who prefer to be malnourished. Weekly Pick-up.
Fruit Share:Runs for a minimum of 17-18 weeks, but could be more depending on the season. You can't have a fruit share unless you have one of veg shares. You CAN order multiple fruit shares—or if you want half fruit shares, they are available too.
Early Season/Extended Season: We'll contact you via email for optional "pre-distributions." We price these weeks by going to the supermarket and looking at the cost of equivalent vegetables. You don't need to sign up for these options—just leave money in a bucket that will be at the distribution site. We don't know what they'll cost right now (depends on what we have!)
Vacation Option: If you are going on vacation during the summer, share your share with a friend, donate it to an appreciative family, OR let us know at least week in advance, and get up to TWO FREE MAKE-UP WEEKS during the Fall Extended season pick-ups in November.
Pickup Times
When and Where to Pickup Your Vegetables
At the farm: The range of available items is always greatest on the farm on Thursday. So for the MOST choice, come on THURSDAYS from 4:30 P.M.–8:00 P.M. The other advantage of coming by on Thursdays is that you get to hang out with your AMAZING fellow members, which is really one of the best parts of belonging to (or running) this CSA. Did we mention that we often have live acoustic music to accompany the smell of fresh baked bread. Your farmer Gavin and crew will also be available most Thursdays to talk about how things are going.
Shares will still be available after that time for pickup out of our walk-in cooler from 8:00 A.M.– 8:00 P.M. on Friday. Quantities don't change, but specific choice within a group does change. For example, instead of having 5 varieties of greens, we drop to 2 or 3 of the most popular ones. Please be mindful of crates that are covered by sheets in the walk-in or the distribution barn as they are not intended for distribution.

U-Pick Garden Access
Your share price includes no-cost access to our on-farm U-Pick area ... We also do PIZZA with fresh farm ingredients in our wood-fired clay oven!!! (You have to pay for that). We think we have more U-Pick plants and square footage than any other CSA in the Hudson Valley, even if we can't prove it.
Items include cherry tomatoes, flowers, an herb garden, snap-peas, beans, gourmet and standard basil varieties, hot peppers, and more!
Access to the U-Pick garden is "practically unlimited." That means you can take what YOUR FAMILY will eat in one week. If you want MORE for freezing or canning, just check with us first. Splitting shares has become increasingly popular, we ask that folks who are splitting shares limit themselves to the equivalent of what one family would normally pick.
Fruit Shares normally run concurrent to the basic vegetable season for EIGHTEEN WEEKS (there are 22 weeks of vegetables - but we have to "skip" a few weeks of fruit based on availability.) The share includes strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, peaches, plums, apples, pears, and watermelons, as well as some more U-Pick fruit at the farm.
The bulk of the fruit we distribute is sourced from OTHER local farms. Although we try to select farms that share our health and environmental concerns, it is hard to grow fruit organically in this area, most of the fruit is NOT organic-it is generally low spray or IPM (integrated pest management). Names of the farms we source from are updated posted at time of pickup. Some fruit does come from our farm and is not sprayed with any non-organic, chemical insecticides or herbicides (occasional melons or berries.), but MOST of it comes from area farms.
What is CSA?

The idea is simple. Members of the community buy a "share" in a local farm for one season. Shares are paid for in advance—usually by sometime in May, and the members then get access to a portion of the farmer's harvest from June into November. Most CSA memberships demand that YOU bear the risk of a failed harvest or unacceptable quality. We have always provided a satisfaction-guaranteed refund policy that allows members to get a prorated refund if they decide to quit for any reason.
Great tasting vegetables at a price well below retail are only the most obvious benefits to being a CSA member. Because you are buying directly from the farmer, we can choose vegetable varieties for taste, rather than how they ship, pack, and look on store shelves. Your entire food dollar goes directly to the farmer instead of being divided between fuel companies, freight lines, and large produce distributors. Belonging to a CSA provides members with the freshest produce available and helps small farms stay small farms.